Tuesday, November 8, 2011

handouts.....what are we waiting for?

It's pathetic....I have the same 3-4 places I go every week. Is the same true for you?

I mean it's really pathetic, and embarrassing because every time I go in, they know exactly what I want, how I want it, and have it ready.

That's the local Starbucks I go to (Dave goes to Starbucks? What a snob!)....the best staff I've ever seen.

So, I was in there today, and they're selling these new bracelets that in buying one, $5 goes to supporting job creation in America. Know anyone who needs a job?

We all do.

Let's back this up a little. Ever been to CVS, and they ask you to donate $1 to some cause just before you purchase? I get suckered into it every time, and I donate. However, in doing so, this is how I really feel when I see these things that guilt me into giving:

"Goddamit, just leave me alone! Stop milking me every chance you get...$1 is a lot of money to me these days, too, you know! Your charity isn't the only thing that needs money, assholes. Have you looked around? How about you give me a $1, you pricks!" And on, and on...

Do you feel the same? Do you really feel fulfilled when you give this $1, or does your conscience just feel better, and you can go on with your day? It's probably fair to say both, with a strong hint of "welp, my conscience is clear now, and that is all that really matters!!" Anyone? Me too.

So, we've all been there, and it's frustrating.

How about when your school asks you for money? Ha, same response?? I'm sure even more so if you're carrying a fat bill every month for the next 10 years to pay that education off.

It seems all of these institutions with a ton of money already, are looking to soak the people with no money...they're looking for hand-outs! It's funny to hear that our generation is just looking for handouts, yet every time we turn around, someone's milking us for this, or for that, or to pay this bill, or this student loan, etc. Or, your rent is ridiculous, the gas bill is robbing you, and doing it right in your face..your car payments suck, and dammit, why did I buy this house, my mortgage blows! Does this ring true?

So, there I was at Starbucks, and these bracelets were right in front of me. Again, to buy a bracelet was $5, and it went to creating jobs for people out of work.

Just before this, there was a kid outside holding up a sign that said, "Will work for food." He can't be more than 15....he's homeless, and his family is in shambles.

With this, my conscience kicked in, however that same guilty feeling actually didn't arise.

You know what feeling arose?

Compassion, hope, and selflessness.

Compassion....for people, who by the masses can barely pay their bills, send their kids to college at $50K/year, afford to put food on the table, pay for a family car, buy winter clothes. As much as people buy new things these days, there's 5x who won't even leave their houses anymore....because they're ashamed....of something that wasn't their fault (I don't care what anyone says, people have been screwed over). They feel down on themselves, because of the worthlessness that society and the economy has put onto them.

This isn't just the homeless or super poor people. These are everyday people, in every single town and city across America right now. Some may be coming off like they don't have these issues, but for the most part, people are really struggling to find meaning...to find hope....to find purpose...and to not feel worthless.

How many of you are experiencing this?

Maybe you have a job, but yet they are working you to the bone, and you haven't had a raise in 4-years, or it's been less than desirable, and you're still scrapping to get by, because that's what we're suppose to do, right? "Get a job, and climb that corporate ladder!!! Out hustle, be dedicated and work hard! You'll be the CEO someday!! TRUST ME!"...is that you? Are you satisfied?

Well, I'm not satisfied. Not in the least bit....but, I'm not going to sit back and complain. I'm going to make it happen. I'm going to be a positive change agent, because 'why not?'...I live once, and then the new replaces the old. I'm not going to wake-up and say "what's in it for me?", because, news-flash, there's nothing in it for you if you do not change the ways of society. We can't rely on 1-2 people to do it. WE NEED TO DO IT! What are we waiting for? This isn't about some protest. This is about creating opportunity for yourself. Committing to yourself everyday that you will be a positive change agent...even if that's contributing to a fund that helps people find work. Or if it's starting some new adventure, or business, or project you're passionate about, and in turn makes people's lives better. Yes, this requires action, not just screaming and yelling. The way of the world won't change, unless we change. Screw the leaders, you need to be a leader. You need to own up, and take chances, and go after what you really want to go after! Don't let yourself die on the vine in some shitty job....reflect, find your purpose, and go as hard as you can after it! That's what I vow to do.

I pray that we all start enacting change within our own worlds (mine included!) no matter how hard it is with the burdens we all carry (because we all do), and from that, the positive ripples will expand much further, and wider than the pain so many are experiencing right now. I've been known as Dave the football player, athlete, professional, yet, what am I doing to make people's lives better? In the end, that's all that matters.

What are we waiting for?

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