Tuesday, November 29, 2011

i love how people think they know the future

Remember that weird noise the Jetson's ufo/plane/automobile made?

How many people thought that was the way it was going to be in the year 2000?!?! Ha. Us driving around in airborne cars. It would be cool, but I believe we call those airplanes now, and they've been around since the Right Brothers.

Or how about the year 2000 computer bug?

Or how buying a house will set you up for years to come with a return rate of 5-10% a year?

Or if you do this, this, and this, you will have this?

Or how about the media? The media has become 3 things: 1.) This or that is going to happen tomorrow. 2.) This is why what just happend will end the world. 3.) Gossip about other human beings we call celebrities.

Let's focus on #1, and the other future assumptions we make.....

If there is one thing we DON'T know, and we consistently get wrong, it's the FUTURE. Isn't that amazing? I mean, every publication, every news spot, everything you read and hear is always about how things will be in the future. I find this hysterical. We put these publications (or what have you) on pedestals, and believe them like gospel. But, take a moment to think about how you feel when you read, hear or see these things. Do emotions like: Fear, Despair, Discouragement, Hopelessness, Anxiety, Bewilderment, Confusion, Anger come to mind?

Pull yourself back a moment now. Do you like living your life with these feelings, all the time? I'm guessing no. Next, then why do you allow it to influence your being when in reality, it's wrong 99% of the time? Seriously, why do you do that to yourself?

It's about time to give the big middle finger to fear mongering bullshit that you allow so much of your life and inaction to be influenced by, and start taking in the things that really matter, and should be influencing us everyday: Hope, Love, Friendship, Community, Courage, Faith, Perseverance, Selflessness, and Health.

Why is it we get sick of reading about things that are good and positive, but can't get enough of the crap out there? Seriously, why? Because we've (you and I) allowed ourselves to become sheep, and influenced on empty, meaningless things, like what it's going to be like in the future....ha....how about, what are things going to be like right now? Today, this second, this moment. Is it too hard, too strenuous to think about the present moment? Does it take too much effort to remove yourself from the poor influences that rule your life? We need to stop being sheep, scardy cats, wimps. We've become those things we insult people with everyday. Start influencing your own life, your actions, your own present moment, and stop letting it be so influenced by this 'tagged' picture, that post, that prediction, what 'they' said or say....just stop, and take accountability.

Why do I care so much about this? Because if it doesn't happen, one thing I am almost certain of, the 1% of the predictions that will come true, is that we will have no souls, no spines, and ruled solely by what we're told. If you wonder why things suck, or times are tough, or why maybe you're unhappy at the moment, I promise, if you learn to influence your own life, live in the moment, those things will disappear, almost overnight. Don't believe me, just try it, but you have to trust it. If not, you can just sink back into being solely influenced about what you're told, and I can guarantee you will be lost forever. Do you want that?

I don't know shit, I don't know the future, but what I do know is that without personal accountability and action, every single day, you begin to die, and others around you start to follow suit. Is that the world you want?

The choice is yours. You future is dictated about what you do NOW!

Alright, off my soapbox. We're all in it together, but we each need to do our part.

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