Wednesday, October 26, 2011

what's with all of this 1%, 99% talk?

How many of us like a big, juicy steak?

Cheeseburger? With Bacon? (my favorite)

How about we round that out with a nice order of greasy, salty fries, and wash it down with a BIG beverage? How's that sound?

Ooh, almost forgot desert! Make that two scoops, I start my diet tomorrow..ha...ha...ha


I was talking with my dad the other day, and we were chatting about what makes us human (Dave talks about weird things with his dad). Have you ever thought about what makes you human? Well, to begin with we have eyes, ears, a mouth, nose, arms, legs, hands, skin, organs....some of us are tall, some of us are short...some are men, some are women....some have hair, some don't (you know who you are)....some are light complexion, some are dark complexion.....some are old, some are young. Let's take it a step further. What sustains human life? Well, there's food, air, water, sleep, work....but also, relationships, having fun, challenging ourselves, love and kindness, etc.

I want to focus on the food, water and air. Without these three, nothing matters....kind of weird to think about, but if you didn't have food, water, and especially air, close to every single day, you would die.....that's how fragile life is. Simply, life is unsustainable without these three. It doesn't matter how big your paycheck is, your job title, how many girlfriends you have, how fast your car is....simply, without food, water, or air you're gone....and everything you accumulated, disappears. Think about this for a second, it sounds weird, but without food, water, or air which are somehow magically created without human intervention (that still happens?!?!)....without them, I am not typing right now. Everything else builds on top of these three.

Where do these three come from? Earth. Everything we put into our bodies, good or bad, comes from Earth. The very thing keeping my ass planted on my seat typing right now (that's gravity for all you physicists out there), is Earth. It's the same thing my feet hit when I run. It's the same place that grows the fruits and vegetables that I eat. The same place that I get the water that sustains my life, or the air that fills my lungs. Little 'ol, under-appreciated, Earth. This is just the facts. It's not some granola-crunchy, hippie view of the world, it's the facts. Earth literally grows humans like's just we can walk around (no, I'm not on LSD right now).

You see, what I'm trying to do is paint a picture....that what makes up me, also makes up you. Again, what makes up ME, also makes up YOU. We drink the same water, we eat the same food, we breath the same air, from the same Earth. We're more than 99% identical. Did you know that? In fact, all mammals are over 99% identical.

So, in today's real-world, that 1% that everyone is talking about, are 99% the same as you and I (gross, I don't want to be considered one of them!) Too bad, you are.

What's really wrong with this picture? Is we've forgotten who we are as people. As humans. So much of our lives are based on class, or ranking, or "I'm apart of the 1%, kiss my ass" or "I'm apart of the 99%, wahh"...who gives a shit, on either side. Earth sustains us the same, and in order to follow our hearts, not the materials we accumulate....few or many. You can validate that by listening to your heart right now. Do you feel it calling you? Or maybe  you're stressed because you're not really listening to it?

Bottom-line is who gives a shit about classes, the percentage you fall in, what you make or don't make, or the horse and buggy you rode in on...all that matters is, when you wake up, and take your first breath, your first sip of water, and your first bite of food, that you know where that's coming from. And in turn, that you're answering what it's asking of you.

Are you listening to it? Or just taking it in, one sip, bite, breath at a time all for yourself, pointing your finger at others....because it's what's owed to you?

Think again.

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